This post is for educational purposes and is not meant to be a diagnosis or treatment.
A sane person goes to bed at a decent hour. That sane person then becomes an insane person while they lay awake hour after hour. You’re not insane. You have insomnia. Can homeopathy heal your insomnia? Oh, you know what I’m going to say. YES!
You know what it is
Insomnia (sleeplessness) is a sleep disorder in which a person has trouble falling asleep, has a hard time staying asleep, or wakes up too early. Tossing, turning in bed, and restlessness are common frustrating signs of insomnia. Homeopathy can treat insomnia by treating the underlying physical and psychological conditions that may be causing it.
Everyone occasionally has sleeplessness. However, an official diagnosis of insomnia is given when a person can’t sleep for three nights in the span of a week for at least three months. Sleep is so important for all areas of our health. In fact, when I am meeting with a client, I always ask if they awake refreshed because chronic insomnia can lead to a host of health issues like weight gain, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, and stroke.
Conventional Treatment
Conventional treatment for insomnia uses sleeping pills to achieve or maintain sleep. The different types of sleeping pills include specific hypnotics, benzodiazepines, and barbiturates. Common benzodiazepines like Valium, Xanax, Librium, and Ativan cause drowsiness, hence causing sleep. These drugs can be addictive and are known to cause memory and attention problems. Usually, they are not recommended for long-term treatment. But I know of a person who has been on them for nearly 30 years! While there are some new drugs replacing them that are advertised as not being habit-forming. However, they still cause physical dependency, the definition of addiction.
I don’t understand why it’s a good idea to give someone medication when the side effects are the same as the condition or even worse! Some common side effects of sleeping pills are:
– Changes in appetite
– Diarrhea
– Constipation
– Headache
– Gas
– Drowsiness during daytime
– Dry mouth/throat
– Tingling sensation in limbs
– Difficulty maintaining balance
– Heartburn
– Memory and attention problems
– Weakness
– Stomach-related issues
Homeopathy for Insomnia
Homeopathy works on individual causes of insomnia in a person. Every person is treated according to the particular symptoms. Insomnia can come in different forms: trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. Homeopathy for insomnia works without side effects or adding new symptoms.
Kali Phos
Kali Phos is useful for insomnia due to stress, worries, and sleeplessness during the latter part of the night. Excessive yawning and a sad, gloomy disposition. Kali phos is a great remedy for extreme fatigue both on mental and physical levels. Children who suddenly wake up from sleep due to night terrors need a dose of Kali phos.
Coffea is the remedy for insomnia due to a constant swirl of thoughts. At bedtime, there are a lot of ideas fighting for attention. The person is restless and awake, tossing from side to side. There may even be heart palpitations and nervousness. Got a little one who is ready to play and NOT sleep at night? Keep a bottle of Coffea nearby. This remedy is also for waking up around 3-ish and not being able to fall back asleep. This remedy also offers help in cases of disturbed sleep from excessive dreams.
Nux vomica
Nux vomica is a valuable remedy for insomnia when sleeplessness occurs during the second half of the night. A person requiring Nux has no trouble falling asleep but wakes up around 3:00 a.m. – 4:00 a.m., after which sleep becomes an issue. During the daytime, intense drowsiness, tiredness, and weakness appear. Nux is also for cases where sleep is light, and the person often wakes from sleep. Nux is for overindulgence. So, it also treats sleeplessness due to an excessive use of coffee, alcohol, or tobacco. If your insomnia is due to gastric troubles, it is also an indication to use the homeopathic remedy Nux.
When people ask me about remedies for insomnia, I usually start with Chamonilla. It is an important remedy for disturbed sleep resulting from frightful dreams. The person wakes suddenly with a start and is weeping or fearful. These episodes occur several times at night, resulting in disturbed sleep. The person is sleepless till about 2:00 a.m. Sleeplessness from illusions of sight and hearing is another indication for using homeopathic medicine Chamomilla Vulgaris. The person may be highly irritable and sleepy during the day.
Cina works well to treat insomnia in children. Consider it when the child cannot sleep and tends to scream and kick off bedclothes. The child is cranky, irritable, and restless. Cina is also indicated in children who sleep for a very short time or in cases where a child experiences night terrors and wakes up screaming and frightened.
How to fix it
This post is for educational purposes and is not meant to diagnose or treat. So, if you wanted to be more educated, you could try taking the indicated remedy 2-4 times during the day and then right at bedtime. Then, to be more educated and not diagnosed, you could take the remedy the next few nights, only taking it at bedtime.
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