Head injuries can be serious. Concussions can have lasting and permanent effects on the body. Using homeopathy for concussions is an effective and safe way to heal them. Even concussions that are years old!

Eating Crow
When I was a much younger mom and had three little girls and a precious little boy, I was very vocal about the downsides of sports. I told anyone willing to listen that my children would not participate in sports. My family would not spend their weeknights at practice and their weekends at games. I would have told you that I would never subject younger siblings to sitting and watching an older sibling compete. Insert a sigh here because I have eaten every one of those words. We have two boys in the middle of a gaggle of girls. They both play football. They have practice every night, and we spend every Friday night at the football field. And I love it.
I was recently asked by a younger mom if I was concerned about my boys getting hurt playing sports. After all, football is one of the more violent sports for kids. I took a minute, and the answer was no. In addition to my faith that the Lord is going to do whatever He wills, I have faith that my little box of remedies will treat whatever happens.

What Are We Talking About?
A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury that temporarily affects brain function. And they are a big worry in sports. Frankly, a concussion can happen anywhere at any time. I have a friend who got a concussion when her son opened a door and hit her in the head. Car accidents are the number one cause. However, when you put 22 boys on a field and tell them to hit each other, the chances of a head injury go way up.
Common signs and symptoms of a concussion include:
- A headache or a feeling of pressure in the head
- Temporary loss of consciousness
- Confusion or feeling as if in a fog
- Memory loss surrounding the traumatic event
- Dizziness
- Ringing in the ears
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Slurred speech
- Delayed response to questions
- Appearing dazed
- Double vision
- Fatigue
These symptoms can last from hours to even months, with some issues continuing for years.
Homeopathy for Concussions
Without homeopathy, I would be a worried mom. Now, don’t get me wrong. I don’t like seeing my boys get hurt. My oldest son is playing his senior year of football and has been hurt on the field twice in four games. It is the honest truth to tell you: my heart drops, and my breathing stops. I grab my game bag, which has my remedies, and I stare at him to see if he needs me to rush to give him remedies. He didn’t ask for them once. We both know I can treat him if he needs it. I did treat him at home as his injuries weren’t serious.

Natrum sulph
This is our premier remedy for head injuries. It directs the body to absorb the fluid in between the cells, which makes it perfect for healing a concussion. Use this remedy when there is a headache or personality change after a hit to the head. A few years ago, I had a consultation with a woman from the eastern coast. Her father had fallen and had a fairly severe brain bleed. He was being treated in the hospital, but the family wasn’t given much hope for his recovery. She contacted me to see if there was any homeopathy for concussions. I recommended Nat sulph. She gave him the remedy (I don’t recall how often or the potency). When he had another scan run, the doctors were shocked at how much his brain bleed had reduced!
Arnica is great for concussions as it works so well at absorbing bruises. It is great to give for the soreness felt after an injury.
Our number one homeopathic remedy for a shock of any kind. A concussion is absolutely a shock to the body. A dose or two of Aconite will help to calm the mind and body. Due to its calming action, it is good for anxiety after a head injury. (And to be honest, I take it when my loved one is hurt to calm my own anxiety!)
This homeopathic remedy for concussions is useful when the person feels weak and tired. They may want to lie down all the time. There will be a marked dullness and drowsiness, along with the inability to concentrate and focus on anything. When they do try to concentrate or do any mental exertion, they feel as if their brain is not functioning.
There are more remedies for concussions and head injuries. And these four are the most prominent. I encourage everyone to do their research and see if there is a remedy that fits their situation best. Afterward, share in the comments to let me know what you found and how you used it!
Years Old You Said?
Yes! It is possible to use homeopathy for concussions that happened years ago and still have lasting effects. However, I would highly recommend using a homeopath for the dosing and timing of the remedies. In my practice, I have seen a young man recover from a 10-year-old head injury. I know I say this every post, but our bodies are amazing!
I have created a Sports First Aid booklet that is available for download. Using this booklet, I created a kit that I carry to every game. I love this little kit!
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