The words food poisoning can strike fear in the gut of any traveler. You know what I am talking about if you’ve ever had this ailment. When I travel I make sure always to pack the top five remedies for food poisoning. The one time I didn’t have these remedies resulted in a story for the books!

Story Time
Once upon a time, I only had seven children. My husband and I took those children from South Texas to Colorado for a funeral. That’s a two-day drive one way. On the drive home from that trip, disaster struck.
We stopped at this teeny-tiny “cafe” in Kansas for lunch. It had handwritten menus. There were only 2 tables and we filled them up. The food was bland and you could tell it was straight from a can. We ate soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. The bill came to $80.
After eating the questionable food and having a stomach ache from the bill, we continued our trip to stay the night with family before finishing the trip home. That night one child started vomiting, then another child started vomiting. Then I started feeling queasy. My husband and I felt that we needed to get home asap. So we woke the children, packed the car, and left my family’s home at midnight. I was in such a panic we didn’t leave a note or tell anyone we were leaving. We just got out of dodge!

Turning a Long Drive into a Long Miserable Drive
We drove the 10-hour drive through the night while ALL of us continued vomiting. All. Night. Long. My husband and I would take turns driving (and vomiting) while the other helped the children vomit in their own plastic bags. Then we would stop and toss all the bags into a gas station trash.
When I say it was the worst trip we’ve ever taken, I am not exaggerating. I am truthing.
We arrived at home by midmorning. Everyone took showers and went to bed. By the early afternoon, we all felt so much better. I had to call and explain to my family why we left in the middle of the night. Trust me, I said. You did not want 9 people vomiting in your one bathroom all night long.
Now, many years later this is a funny story that we laugh about. Because God is good and time softens hard edges. But, at the time, I wished I had anything to help us feel better. While I did know and use homeopathy, I had not brought the remedies for food poisoning. Now, I never go anywhere without them.
Remedies for Food Poisoning
- Arsenicum alb – This is our premier remedy for food poisoning. The stomach has a burning pain along with nausea and vomiting There is the additional fun of burning diarrhea. The vomiting and diarrhea have a violent nature.
- China – This remedy has gas and bloating. Additionally, there is diarrhea, indigestion, and irritability. China is also great to give after surviving food poisoning. It’s a wonderful remedy to help restore vital fluids lost through vomiting and diarrhea.
- Colocynthis – This remedy has severe cutting pains in the stomach and abdomen. The pains cause a person to bend over double and want to press on their stomach. The pains come and go in waves.
- Ipecac – This remedy is when vomiting does NOT relieve the nausea. There is also nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
- Veratrum – This remedy is for when diarrhea is a prominent symptom. I know this is gross, but I just don’t write the news, just report it. The diarrhea is forcibly evacuated. If you read my post on diarrhea, you know my aversion to speaking of such impolite topics in polite company.

Surviving Food Poisoning
Usually, food poisoning is a short-term suffering. It comes on fast and once your body has rid itself of the offending food, the person is feeling much better. If you or your child continues vomiting and diarrhea for longer than 24-48 hours it may be something more serious. Also, be very, very aware of dehydration symptoms and stay on top of fluids.
I have created a printable card for you to add to your library or travel kit. Never leave home without it!
The only thing worse than a family stomach bug is a family stomach bug while on the road- that sounds horrible!! “ Because God is good and time softens hard edges.” so true!