I breastfed my last baby for 27 months. I loved every second of it. When she was about 15 months old, I started worrying I didn’t have enough to feed her. (Did I have a reason for this? No. I made this worry up out of nowhere.) I used a drop of Fennel essential oil on each breast to increase my milk supply. The following day, I had an abundance of milk! So much so that by the end of the day, I was in bed with a high fever and felt like I was run over by a train. While laying in bed, rolling my eyes at myself, I googled remedies for mastitis. A few doses later, I was a new woman. Lessons were learned. Don’t make worries up out of thin air. And homeopathy for mastitis is like a miracle.
What Exactly is Mastitis?
Mastitis is the inflammation of the breast tissue. It can arise in any woman (I once knew a 15-year-old young lady who developed mastitis!) but is most common in breastfeeding women. In lactating women, mastitis develops because of the blockage of milk ducts and milk stasis due to incomplete emptying of milk. Risk factors for milk stasis include blockage of milk ducts from pressure, such as tight-fitting clothing, using one breast for feeding the child, and using the same position to feed the child. These result in improper drainage of milk from the breast. Other causes of mastitis are the transfer of infection to milk ducts from damaged or cracked nipples, direct trauma to the breast, and exhaustion. The main advantage of using homeopathy for mastitis is that they are free from side effects. Hence, they are very safe for the mother and baby to use.
Using homeopathy for mastitis helps decrease inflammation, swelling, pain, tenderness, heat in the breast, and other accompanying symptoms.
Signs and Symptoms of Mastitis
The signs and symptoms of mastitis include swelling, tenderness or pain in the breast, burning sensation, heat in the breast, skin redness, fever, or exhaustion. Accompanying symptoms may include chills, shivering, body aches, and fatigue. If not treated well in time, mastitis may lead to a mammary abscess or pus collection.
Homeopathy for Mastitis
Belladonna is a beneficial homeopathic medicine for mastitis. I grabbed this remedy when I was running a high fever. It works well in the initial stage of breast inflammation, which is red and very swollen. Throbbing pains accompany the swelling, which is worse when lying down. Additionally, the infection comes on suddenly. Inflammation of the breast after weaning is another solid indication for using Belladonna.
Phytolacca is an excellent homeopathic remedy for mastitis. It works well for swollen, painful breasts with marked soreness. There is a stinging and shooting pain in the breast. Extreme sensitivity and tenderness are also symptoms. The hardness of the breast tissue may have a purple hue. Nipples may also be cracked. Pain from the breast also radiates to the whole body while nursing the child.
Phytolacca is the number one remedy for any injury to the breast. This includes hard hits from a toddler’s head or elbow but also includes mammograms.
Croton tig
Croton tig is another effective homeopathic remedy for mastitis. Symptoms that indicate using Croton tig are a stiff, swollen, and inflamed breast. Soreness of the nipples is also present. Another major indication for using Croton tig is that the pain from the breast radiates to the back on nursing the child. The pain is mainly drawing in nature.
Bryonia is an excellent homeopathic treatment for mastitis when the slightest motion worsens the pain. It should be considered in cases of mastitis when the breasts are stony, hard, hot, swollen, and highly painful. The pain is lessened by rest.
Silicea and Hepar sulph
Silicea and Hepar sulph are great homeopathic medicines for mastitis when an abscess forms. These medicines are very effective when treating any wound with pus. They help drain pus without any surgical intervention. These medicines work well in cases of an abscess with pus discharge that may be offensive, intense pain, sensitivity to touch, and chills. I knew a woman who had a breast abscess that required surgery as if nursing wasn’t enough of a challenge!
Old Wives’ Tales
I was told that putting cold cabbage leaves on a breast with an infection would alleviate the infection. And I have heard of times it has worked to mitigate the issue. However, the difference with using homeopathy for mastitis as opposed to cabbage leaves, essential oils, etc., is that homeopathy doesn’t just address that specific event, but the repetition of and propensity for infections. It is also necessary to go beyond old wives’ tales when the infection worsens. At that point, only antibiotics will stop (and suppress) the infection. Meanwhile, homeopathy has a history of preventing the infection and eliminating the potential for recurrence.
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