Sore throats can hit at any time of the year and affect all age groups. Suffering from them is optional. Homeopathy for sore throats can heal them quickly and efficiently.
The Dreaded Strep Throat
Somewhere in life, we have been conditioned to fear strep above all things. If we or our child has a sore throat we want to find out “if it’s strep”. There are rapid tests for it. However, if the test comes back negative, then the doctor will have to do a longer test because the rapid test isn’t reliable. Makes me wonder why we even have the rapid tests!
What is strep throat and why do we fear it so? According to the Mayo Clinic, strep throat is “a bacterial infection that can make your throat feel sore and scratchy. Strep throat accounts for only a small portion of sore throats. If untreated, strep throat can cause complications, such as kidney inflammation or rheumatic fever. Rheumatic fever can lead to painful and inflamed joints, a specific type of rash, or heart valve damage.” (emphasis is mine)
My favorite pediatrician, Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, says in his book How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor that “most cases of strep throat in children over age four can be diagnosed by looking for what doctors know as ‘the classic triad’ of symptoms – pus on the tonsils and in the throat, swollen glands in the neck, and a temperature above 103.” If you or your child has a sore throat, but not the “triad of symptoms” the most likely cause is dry air. Dr. Mendelsohn suggests investing in a good humidifier, not doctor visits.
What about Rheumatic Fever?
The way parents respond to strep and their fears of rheumatic fever, I expected rheumatic fever to be more common. However, the data doesn’t back that up. Rheumatic fever can cause heart issues in children. But, it is a rare consequence. And while people will tell you it’s deadly, and a forgone conclusion of having strep throat, they never discuss the consequences of using penicillin-type antibiotics. There is always a potential allergic reaction to antibiotics. Penicillin may produce diarrhea and rashes and, in rare instances, anaphylactic shock and death. Rheumatic fever is rare in the Western world. And is only a concern if strep throat is left untreated.
Typical Treatment
A case of strep throat was the tipping point for my husband. He and I both had a horrible sore throat. We couldn’t swallow without extreme pain and both had high fevers. I toughed it out for a couple of days and then called a friend who also studied and used homeopathy. Thankfully, she suggested a remedy. I started taking it immediately and was better by the next day. My husband went to the nearest doctor. The doctor listened as my husband listed all his symptoms. (My family knows how to describe their symptoms to better help me find the right remedy as sometimes they can be very detailed!) Then the doctor gave him the pink antibiotic, you know the one I mean.
I was better in 3 days and my husband was better in 7! The next time he got sick (I did not) he only wanted homeopathy. Using antibiotics will often shorten the course of a sore throat, but the truth is the body will do its job in the same amount of time. Even without using remedies. BUT, we don’t have to suffer through those few days. Homeopathy for sore throats is easy, highly effective, and has zero side effects.
Homeopathy for Sore Throats
There are many remedies for sore throats. In fact, I did an entire class on this topic in my monthly study group. The remedies are very specific. Determine as many details as you can. Does it hurt on the left side, right side, or the whole throat? Look in the throat. Is it red? Is it a blueish color? Are there white or yellow spots? Smell the person’s breath. Is it awful? Does it smell like something died in there? How about other symptoms? What does it feel like to swallow? One of my daughters told me that her throat felt like she was a sword swallower who hadn’t been practicing.
I will only list a few remedies here as this is a blog, not a book. If you are interested in learning more in-depth about different topics, consider joining my Pride of Healing Community. Next month we are studying snake, spider, and tick bites as well as remedies made from the venom.
The Remedies to Have on Hand
- Belladonna – This is one of the first remedies to think of when it comes to a sore throat. There is marked pain in the throat. It will be bright red and inflamed. There is a shooting pain especially when swallowing liquids. If there is a fever it has an intense heat. Belladonna can be a virus interupter. Take it as soon as the pain begins and the redness starts. Read more about Belladonna at Belladonna-The Drama Queen.
- Merc sol – This one is marked by excessive saliva and horrible breath. The throat has bluish-red swelling. There can be pus. The person who gets a sore throat regularly or with every weather change. They may have a stitching pain in the throat that goes into the ears while swallowing food or water.
- Hepar sulph – The keynote symptom with Hepar sulph and sore throats is the sensation as if a splinter or fishbone (or perhaps a sword) is in the throat while swallowing. This pain may extend up into the ears.
- Phytolacca – The pain in the throat and into the ear is on the right side. The throat is dark red and may have a blue tint. Additionally, the throat has a burning pain and warm drink make the pain worse.
- Lachesis – This one is for left-sided pain. There is a constricted feeling in the throat and even wearing something around the outside of the throat, around the neck, is too much. The pain is worse after sleeping and from warm drinks. Read more about Lachesis at Heal Strep Throat Without Antibiotics.
Sore throats can happen at any time of the year. They can happen to anyone at any age. And frankly, they’re awful. It’s tempting to run to your doctor and get an antibiotic. Please try homeopathy for sore throats first. Antibiotics are useful but they’re not miracle drugs. And they can cause their own issues.
Let me know if you have ever used homeopathy for sore throats. What remedy did you use and how did it go? Let me know in the comments.
I’ve literally been dealing with this since Sunday! My eldest was running a temp and body aches but then Monday he woke up with classic strep symptoms and also a horrible stomach ache. (??) I treated him with belladonna and warm salt water gargling but I wonder if adding Hepar Sulph would have helped? He had the splinter like pain in his throat but it didn’t extend to his ears so I stuck with the belladonna. The others dealt with the beginnings of strep but seem to respond to aconite and belladonna so I’m praying they’re all on the upswing!
I had either strep or bronchitis for most of kindergarten through fourth grade- SO thankful I can offer an alternative to the pink stuff for my crew!
Ugh!!! Thank you so much for helping combat the fear mongering! Much love!