Swelling during pregnancy is common, but that doesn’t mean it has to happen! Homeopathy can help take care of this annoying pregnancy complaint.
What is the Cause of Swelling?
To be honest, pregnancy is complicated on the body! Every cell in the mother’s body is working hard to build that tiny human. Digestion slows down to extract every nutrient from the food mom eats. And the body now needs and uses way more fluid than before pregnancy.
Swelling is caused by fluid retention due to increased blood volume and hormonal changes. Hot weather can cause more sweating, which leads to dehydration, which causes the body to hang on to more water. Standing for extended periods can reduce blood circulation. Low-potassium diets and not consuming high-quality salts can affect fluid balance. Finally, constant caffeine intake can increase blood pressure and fluid retention.
Homeopathic Remedies to Help
I have used homeopathic remedies to help with the swelling during pregnancy on my pregnancies. Additionally, I have helped other pregnant women reduce the size of their swollen ankles (and faces and hands).
Apis is one of the best homeopathic medicines for managing edema (the medical term for swelling). The most characteristic feature of using this medicine is puffiness in different body parts accompanied by redness and stinging pain. The swollen areas are also sore to the touch. Heat is felt on the affected part. It offers a big help in managing edema of the legs, feet, and ankles. The legs and feet look waxy and pale.
It is very effective in managing puffiness around the eyes. I joke that when I was pregnant from the eyelids down! The skin on the eyelids also feels tight and stiff.
Arsenicium album
Arsenic album is a very useful medicine for managing edema of the face and eyelids. Women needing this remedy have swollen eyelids. Swelling occurs on the upper eyelid, followed by the lower lid. Next, it is helpful in cases of swelling of the feet and legs. Along with the swelling, a burning sensation can be felt on the feet. The feet may look shiny with reddish spots.
This medicine is a good fit for swelling of the legs due to varicose and inflamed veins. Women who require it have swelling in the legs and thighs. There is difficulty in moving the legs. Along with this, there is also dull pain felt in the legs. The feet are also swollen. There is also redness of feet and the feet feel heavy. Burning pain and a drawing sensation are felt on the feet. There is an urge to stretch your feet while sitting. A tingling sensation while standing may also be felt. This can get better as one starts walking.
How to Take These?
I would start with a low potency, 30c, starting with once a day. If you are still struggling, reach out to a homeopath for an acute appointment.
Pregnancy is wonderful. However, being pregnant doesn’t always include attractive maternity clothes and a glowing attitude. I mean, it wasn’t for me! But, I do love babies, so there you go! I’m grateful the Lord has given us homeopathic remedies to help with the small issues that can arise with pregnancy.
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