Both men and women, young and old, can get bladder infections. Using homeopathic remedies for bladder infections is a safe, non-toxic way to treat them without the use of antibiotics. Continued use of remedies for bladder infections can also uproot the tendency to get UTIs as well.

What is a Bladder Infection?
A bladder infection or urinary tract infection is an infection of any part of the urinary system. The urinary system includes the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. Most infections involve the lower urinary tract — the bladder and the urethra. Symptoms may include:
- A strong urge to urinate that doesn’t go away
- A burning feeling when urinating
- Urinating often, and passing small amounts of urine
- Urine that looks cloudy
- Urine that appears red, bright pink, or cola-colored — signs of blood in the urine (this is also called Hematuria)
- Strong, often offensive-smelling urine
- Pelvic pain, in women — especially in the center of the pelvis and around the area of the pubic bone
In older adults, UTIs may be overlooked or mistaken for other conditions like dementia. Women are four times more likely than men to get a bladder infection. Sometimes a woman will get one after childbirth or a c-section.
How is a Bladder Infection Treated?
According to, the only treatment is with antibiotics. The issue with routinely using antibiotics is that the overuse of antibiotics can cause a chronic cycle of UTIs that may even lead to a very painful auto-immune condition called interstitial cystitis. In the medical world, there is no treatment for this condition. However, we can do better.

Remedies for Bladder Infections
- Cantharis – #1 for bladder infection with burning pains before, during, and after passing urine. Additionally, the urine passed may be scanty and at times in drops. In some cases, drops of blood may pass in the urine. There is a frequent urge to urinate.
- Sepia – This remedy is best when there is constant pressure felt on the bladder. There is an urgency that must be attended to immediately or urine will pass involuntarily. There is pelvic pain or a bearing down feeling in the pelvis. Along with an offensive smell, the urine can be dark in color and cloudy.
- Apis – This remedy is best for burning at the last drops of urine. Look to Apis if Cantharis failed to act. There is a strong urge but only a small amount passed at a time.
- Staphysagria – Women who get frequent bladder infections after sexual intercourse or after the first time of having sex (also known as honeymoon cystitis) need to look to Staphysargia. The urine is yellowish-red in color and there is a stitching pain. The UTI is worse from sugar as well.
- Sarsaparilla – For burning pain at the end of urination. The urine passes in a thin stream and may contain blood. There is a constant ineffectual urge with very little urine.
- Arnica – For a bladder infection after childbirth or post-surgery. This may indicate that the bladder was slightly damaged. Using Arnica routinely after childbirth or post-surgery will prevent an infection from happening. Go HERE to read about remedies before and after surgery.
I recommend taking the chosen remedy every 3 hours until very much better. Most of the time using these in a 30c is the best potency.
Chronic Bladder Infections
If you suffer from chronic bladder infections, homeopathy is the perfect place for you! Here’s the most common scenario – a woman gets a UTI, and heads to the doctor. He tests her urine and prescribes her an antibiotic. She takes it and feels so much better. Then she gets a yeast infection, but that’s to be expected after an antibiotic. In a few weeks or months, she gets another UTI. Rinse and repeat the process. Now she’s “prone” to bladder infections. She doesn’t even need to go to the doctor anymore. She just calls the office and they prescribe her another antibiotic.
But, wait! There’s another way! She decides to stop the merry-go-round and takes a homeopathic remedy instead. She feels better within a few days. No yeast infection. The next time she gets an infection, she uses the remedy again. This time she gets better in less time. No yeast infection. Let’s say she gets one more. Same remedy and she’s better in one or two doses. That’s it. She may not get an infection for years or maybe never get one again. She used to be “prone” to them and now never gets them. Homeopathy just uprooted the cause of the infections and now her body knows how to fight them properly.
It’s like sitting at an art museum. The beauty and artistry of the human body just bring tears to my eyes. Praise the Lord from whom all blessings flow!
Anyone can suffer from a bladder infection: men, women, children, and even pets! But the treatment is the same for all depending on the symptoms. Homeopathic remedies for bladder infections are inexpensive and safe without any side effects.
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